Craig Berntson
  Craig Berntson has been developing PC-based applications for business and government since 1983. He has experience in a variety of industries including accounting, finance, trucking, personnel, inventory management, timber, telecommunications, health care, and insurance.  Craig is the author of CrysDev: A Developer’s Guide to Integrating Crystal Reports, available from Hentzenwerke Publishing and has written for FoxTalk and the VFUG Newsletter and has spoken at Advisor DevCon, Great Lakes Great Database Workshop, Essential Fox, Microsoft Developer Days, MSDN Seminars, and user groups around the country. He is a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) and a Microsoft Certified Solution Developer (MCSD) and is President of the Salt Lake City Fox User Group.  Craig is currently a Senior Software Engineer for 3M Health Information Systems in Salt Lake City. His blog can be found at or you can contact him at
  Introduction to Object Oriented Programming

Learning Object Oriented Programming can be a big hurdle. In this session we’ll open the OOP box and explore the basics of OOP and how it is implemented in VFP. OOP can make development much easier if used properly. It can also be your worst enemy if used incorrectly. Attendees will learn how to:
§ Understand OOP terminology
§ Create and use visual classes
§ Create and use programmatic classes
§ Use subclasses in an application to make development easier
§ Use messaging effectively
§ Place code in the proper control for easy maintenance
§ Avoid OOP pitfalls that can spell disaster

Skill level: beginning to intermediate VFP developers.
  Using the Windows Event Log

Many applications use the Windows Event Log for reporting information back to the user, particularly when an error occurs. In this session we’ll discuss how to use the event log with VFP. Attendees will learn:
§ The event log message format
§ How to read messages in the event log
§ How to add messages to the event log
§ How to manage the event log message store

Skill level: intermediate to advanced developers.