We recently did one of the hardest tasks associated with running Southwest Fox–choosing speakers and topics from among the ones submitted. This year, it was harder than it has been in a long while. (We’ll post the results as soon as it’s all worked out.)
Based on last year’s attendance, we’ve decided to plan for two simultaneous VFP sessions rather than three, as we’ve had for several years. Doing so reduces our financial risk and makes it easier for us to commit to holding the conference. (Like last year, we’ll actually make the final “go/no go” decision the first week of July.)
Of course, we understand that there’s a trade-off here; some people may find the list of speakers and topics less compelling because it’s shorter. We’re hoping that doesn’t apply to too many people.
On the other hand, maybe attendance will be better than we expect. To prepare for that possibility, we’re also identifying a few speakers and topics we really want and hoping for the chance to add them when we look at registrations after the July 1 SuperSaver deadline.
So this message is a bit of a challenge to the VFP community. If enough of you register for Southwest Fox by July 1, we’ll be able to add one or more speakers.
We believe that the program we’re putting together is absolutely worth the price we’re charging, but we’d love to give you even more for the money.