Thanks to our generous speakers stepping up and shouldering some of the financial risks, additional sponsorship, and our hope that the community will respond with more registrations, we are announcing that Southwest Fox 2024 will go on as planned in-person and virtually September 26-29, 2024. That said, it is with heavy hearts that we announce this is the final in-person Southwest Fox conference that we are going to put on as it’s clear the economics no longer work. Our plan is to move forward with Virtual Fox Fests in the future.

This is your last chance to hang out with the Fox gang in Phoenix, so if you were thinking about attending sometime, this is the time.

A final reminder, the Early-Bird discount expires today, Wednesday, July 31st.

Contact Us: 

– Interested in being a sponsor? Contact our sponsor representative: 

– If you have ideas or suggestions for this year’s Southwest Fox, please email them to:

– If you have a friend who wants to be on our mailing list, please tell them to go to the conference home page and sign up

– Call: 586.254.2530


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