The Space Race

One complaint we saw a lot on the evaluations was that a room was overcrowded for one session or another. This is actually a hard problem for us to solve. Conference room layouts fall into two basic categories: those (like this year’s Southwest) where all the rooms are the same size, and those where session rooms have different sizes. Each type presents issues for scheduling, but on the whole, it’s a lot easier when all Read more…

They like us! They really, really like us!

The title says the most important thing we learned from the Southwest Fox evaluations. Most attendees were very happy with the conference. Of 92 people who filled out the overall conference portion of the evaluation booklet, 88 said they were likely to come to Southwest Fox again in the future. That’s an incredibly high number, but matches what people told us in person. Although the overall tone of the comments was positive, nothing else had Read more…

Reporting on the overall conference data

Reporting on the overall conference evaluations was both easier and harder than reporting the speaker evaluations. Easier because we needed only a single report, with no need to break things down by speaker. Harder because instead of three open-ended questions, there were 12. My first inclination was to handle the comments as I had on the speaker evaluations, with a separate cursor and detail band for each. But 12 detail bands seemed excessive. More importantly, Read more…

Southwest Fox 2007 Photos Online

I posted photos Tamar and I took at Southwest Fox 2007 today. Thanks to Dave Aring (once again!) for cleaning them up and Cesar Chalom for posting a blog entry that make quick work of generating thumbnail images using the GDIPlusX code from VFPX. If you were at the conference and took any photos you’d like to share, we’d love to have them. Please email them to dhennig AT stonefield DOT com.

Processing the Evaluations

I didn’t expect helping to run Southwest Fox to give me a chance to learn new things about VFP. But speaker coordination was one of my responsibilities, so I took the lead in handling the evaluation data. On the plane coming home, I designed a couple of tables to hold the data and started working on data entry forms. We gave each attendee an evaluation booklet with an identical section for each time slot, plus Read more…


A month ago Southwest Fox 2007 was just getting started. It was a terrific conference thanks to so many people including the speakers, the hotel staff, the conference center staff, and of course all the developers who came to the conference. Since the conference wrapped up the three organizers have been working hard on a couple of fronts. The first front is to review the evaluations and get them entered into a set of tables, Read more…