The pace of registrations yesterday was exhilarating and exhausting, but at the end of the day I processed 22 registrations. This sets a new one-day record for Geek Gatherings. The previous day record was 14.
Fingers are soar and I am behind on the processing of the registrations. So if you are thinking you missed the deadline to save on the early-bird, your right. But…we are a group who believe in second chances. {g}
Based on the fact I am tired and in a weak state from all the data entry, I am officially extending the deadline until Monday July 7th at Midnight, EDT. Consider this the last chance to get in on the $75 discount and the free pre-conference session.
Registrations are just a little behind last year’s record setting pace, but just by a little bit.
Randy Bosma · July 2, 2008 at 12:09 am
Rick, either your fingers are soaring (like a bird) or they are sore (from overuse). As fast and easy as our beloved Fox can churn through the data, I’m thinking your fingers are soar-ing.
Randy from CFUDG
TheSoftwareShop Inc. · July 8, 2008 at 9:53 am
Rick, glad that registrations are up – When I was making my decision to sign up I looked at the who’s coming page would be coming this year.
I wonder if there are those who are waiting to see what the response is.
Rick Schummer · July 8, 2008 at 10:17 am
Registrations have been +/- 10 percent of last year at the same time all along the registration period. Today we sit at 74 people registered. Expecting several more checks in the mail today (mail was stopped for the last few days because I was away for the holiday weekend).
We should be able to post the Who’s Coming page soon, but only 70% of the people want to be included on the public list.