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Southwest Fox 2024

September 26-29, 2024
Hampton Inn & Suites Phoenix-Scottsdale
Scottsdale, AZ

Geek Gatherings Logo

Who's Coming

This isn't a complete list of attendees, only those who have authorized the conference organizers to include his or her name in the list. There are currently 65 attendees (30 in-person, 35 virtual; names in bold are attending in-person) registered, including speakers and exhibitors. The count beside each state/country shows the total number of attendees from that region, including those who don't want their name included.

If you want your photo to appear beside your name, sign up for a Gravatar account and upload your photo.

Speaker beside a person's name indicates that person is a speaker; click to see their biography.

The other images beside a person's name are links to their Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and blog pages.




CA 3 in-person 6 virtual Anderson, Bill Facebook LinkedIn Twitter PictureNew this month
   Becker, Paul
   Ferens, John
   Green, Ken LinkedIn Picture
   Klein, Bob
   Nelson, Jim Speaker Picture
CO 1 in-person 0 virtual Cantrell, Chris LinkedIn PictureNew this month
FL 0 in-person 2 virtual Monarch, Jerry Picture
   Pountney, Cathy Picture
GA 1 in-person 0 virtual Durban, Bo Twitter PictureNew this month
HI 1 in-person 0 virtual Strahl, Rick Speaker Twitter Blog Picture
IL 3 in-person 1 virtual Borup, Rick Speaker LinkedIn Twitter Blog Picture
   Bosma, Randy LinkedIn Twitter Picture
   Hogan, Michael Picture
   Vinitsky, Tuvia Speaker LinkedIn Blog Picture
KY 0 in-person 1 virtual McDonald, Mike Picture
MA 1 in-person 1 virtual Burrill, Katherine
   Kaye, Richard LinkedIn Twitter Picture
MI 3 in-person 2 virtual Borkholder, Philip Picture
   Hanna, Dave LinkedIn Picture
   Meyer, Jody Picture
   Mrozowski, Paul Twitter Picture
   Schummer, Rick Speaker Facebook LinkedIn Twitter Blog Picture
MO 0 in-person 1 virtual de Wild, Robert Picture
MT 1 in-person 0 virtual Violett, Stacy LinkedIn Twitter Picture
NC 0 in-person 2 virtual Babcock, Michael Picture
   Pearson, Tracy Picture
NH 1 in-person 0 virtual Dodge, Ray Picture
NY 0 in-person 1 virtual
PA 1 in-person 0 virtual Granor, Tamar Speaker LinkedIn Twitter Picture
TN 1 in-person 0 virtual Ragsdale, Kevin Speaker Facebook LinkedIn Blog Picture
TX 0 in-person 2 virtual Reed, Daniel PictureNew this month
UT 1 in-person 0 virtual Rindlisbacher, Scott Speaker Picture
VA 0 in-person 1 virtual
WI 1 in-person 1 virtual Goering, Stein PictureNew this month
   Selje, Eric Speaker Blog Picture
Australia 0 in-person 1 virtual
Bahrain 0 in-person 1 virtual Abraham, Ajit LinkedIn Picture
Canada 6 in-person 2 virtual Bartlett, Crystal Facebook LinkedIn Twitter Picture
   Godfrey, Randy Twitter Picture
   Hennig, Doug Speaker Facebook LinkedIn Twitter Blog Picture
   Joulaie, Ahmad PictureNew this month
   Joulaie, Kathy PictureNew this month
   Leeming, Jonathan LinkedIn Picture
   Waud, Charles Picture
China 0 in-person 2 virtual Niu, xinjie Picture
Czechia 1 in-person 0 virtual Celba, Pavel LinkedIn PictureNew this month
Germany 2 in-person 2 virtual Wollenhaupt, Christof Speaker Facebook LinkedIn Twitter Blog Picture
   Wondzinski, wOOdy Facebook LinkedIn Twitter Blog Picture
Ireland 0 in-person 1 virtual Galvin, John Picture
Italy 0 in-person 1 virtual
Jamaica 1 in-person 0 virtual Morris, Shonnon Speaker Twitter Picture
New Zealand 0 in-person 2 virtual Ryan, John Speaker Picture
   Tornyai, Ludmila
Norway 1 in-person 0 virtual Bleken, Tore Speaker Picture
Serbia 0 in-person 1 virtual Gajinovic, Slobodan Facebook LinkedIn Twitter Picture
Switzerland 0 in-person 1 virtual Pfeifer, Juerg Picture
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