Click the calendar icon beside each item to retrieve an ICS file to add to your calendar.
Note: the schedule is subject to change.
9:00 - 12:00 |
Donnay eXpress++ Workshop, Part 1 |
McNeish iPhone / iPad App Development, Part 1 |
Bazian PHP for the VFP Developer |
1:00 - 4:00 |
Donnay eXpress++ Workshop, Part 2 |
McNeish iPhone / iPad App Development, Part 2 |
Hennig Introduction to C# for VFP Developers |
8:30 - 9:45 |
Herdt Introduction to Compiled Xbase++ Pages |
Grossheinrich SQL for Xbase++ Developers |
Knight VFP Report Writer Tips & Tricks |
Paddock jQuery 101 |
Selje More Fox on the Run |
10:00 - 11:15 |
Pirsig Xbase++ 2.0: SQL for DBFs, Objects and Array |
Vinitsky Give Me Some Skin, Man! |
Borup Amazon Elastic Cloud Computing |
Hennig Win32API for VFP Developers |
Pinter Consulting WPF/MVVM as a Business Opportunity |
11:30 - 12:45 |
Warweg HTML & CSS as Your Next-Generation UI |
Herdt OOP: When to Use Which Feature for What! |
Granor Try Thor's Terrific Tools |
Cully The Dangers of Accessing SQL Data |
Strahl ASP.NET COM Interop with Visual FoxPro |
FoxInCloud FoxInCloud |
2:00 - 3:15 |
Grossheinrich Advanced SQL |
Pirsig PostgreSQL at a Glance |
Vinitsky Show me Your License, Please |
Bazian SQL Server 2012 |
Schummer Finding the Treasure in VFPX! |
Sybase Expanding Access to your Data |
3:30 - 4:45 |
Pirsig Project PolarFox: State of the Union |
Herdt Advanced Compiled Xbase++ Pages |
Wollenhaupt Unit Tests with FoxMock |
Paddock Introduction To Ruby On Rails |
Selje SSMS for Developers |
Servoy Servoy |
5:15 - 6:30 |
Jones Techniques For Behaviour Control in Forms |
Warweg Connected Mobile Applications with Xbase++ |
Schummer How Craig Boyd Continues Making Me a Hero! |
Bodnar HTML5 |
Strahl Calling .NET Components from Visual FoxPro |
Micromega Foxfire! |
8:30 - 9:30 |
Pirsig Late-Night: Xbase++ Long-term Vision |
VMP Developer Meeting |
Show Us Your Apps |
8:30 - 9:45 |
Herdt Introduction to Compiled Xbase++ Pages |
Donnay Owner-Drawing: Create Your Own Custom Look |
Granor VFP: Ideal for Tools |
Wollenhaupt Office Automation Without Office |
Strahl ASP.NET COM Interop with Visual FoxPro |
Pinter Consulting WPF/MVVM as a Business Opportunity |
10:00 - 11:15 |
Pirsig Upsizing: From DBF to PostgreSQL |
Knight OutFox the VFP Report Writer |
Paddock jQuery 101 |
Borup Advanced Topics in Mercurial |
Servoy Servoy |
11:30 - 12:45 |
Warweg HTML & CSS as Your Next-Generation UI |
Herdt Advanced Compiled Xbase++ Pages |
Granor Try Thor's Terrific Tools |
Paddock Introduction To Ruby On Rails |
Selje More Fox on the Run |
FoxInCloud FoxInCloud |
2:00 - 3:15 |
Pirsig Windows 8, an Architecture for the Future |
Herdt OOP: When to Use Which Feature for What! |
Wollenhaupt Unit Tests with FoxMock |
Bodnar HTML5 |
Borup Amazon Elastic Cloud Computing |
Sybase Expanding Access to your Data |
3:30 - 4:45 |
Warweg Connected Mobile Applications with Xbase++ |
Grossheinrich SQL for Xbase++ Developers |
Knight VFP Report Writer Tips & Tricks |
Hennig Win32API for VFP Developers |
Selje SSMS for Developers |
5:15 - 6:30 |
Pirsig Xbase++ 2.0 from a VFP Dev's Perspective |
Donnay Owner-Drawing: Create Your Own Custom Look |
Schummer How Craig Boyd Continues Making Me a Hero! |
Cully The Dangers of Accessing SQL Data |
8:30 - 9:45 |
Grossheinrich Advanced SQL |
Jones Techniques For Behaviour Control in Forms |
Vinitsky Give Me Some Skin, Man! |
Borup Advanced Topics in Mercurial |
Schummer Finding the Treasure in VFPX! |
10:00 - 11:15 |
Graham Is your Software ready for the "Cloud"? |
Granor VFP: Ideal for Tools |
Bazian SQL Server 2012 |
Strahl Calling .NET Components from Visual FoxPro |
11:30 - 12:45 |
Technical Q&A with Alaska Software |
Vinitsky Show me Your License, Please |
Wollenhaupt Office Automation Without Office |
Knight OutFox the VFP Report Writer |
2:00 - 5:00 |
Bodnar An Afternoon of Modern Web Development |
Cully Intro. to REAL Studio for VFP Developers |
Lessons from the School of Black and Blue |